
drag to organize in any way you want!

Subtle Queer Asian Traits (SQuAT)
A Facebook group created to be a "Queer Asian space, for Queer Asian baes."

LGBT Real Talk Radio
A safe and free communication focal point for the lesbian, gay, transgender and bisexual community.

LGBT Advocate
An online forum for the LGBT community and its allies, meant to be a safe discussion space for anything and everything.

LGBTQ+ Writers and Readers
Offers support for LGBTQ+ writers and readers. "As a community we can only stand if we help one another."

It Gets Better Project
A movement to uplife, empower, and connect LGBTQ+ youth through accessible and inspiring stories of hope and by building comunity online and through international affiliates.

The Trevor Project
Provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ+ people under 25.

Q Card Project
Currently only in King Country, Washington, Q Cards are located throughout the city where youth can pick one up, fill in their name, pronouns, sexual orientation, gender identity, and additional concerns or questions. These cards can be brought to healthcare appointments and are meant to start open and honest conversations about privacy, confidentiality, and healthcare needs.

Q Chat Space A pre-scheduled, live chat for LGBTQ+ teens ages 13 to 19.

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